Adventures on a small island across a big pond

Monday, December 11, 2006

Where has the time gone???

Jackie + blogging = failure.
haha...yea, I was doing so good with this whole blogging thing, trying to keep everyone updated on my life but it seems I have failed. I haven't updated this thing for almost 2 months and considering I'm in England for 3 months...thats sad! Sorry to anyone who actually faithfully read this...if anyone did. I'll just have to tell you all my stories in person! It'll be more fun that way, but for the sake of blogger, here's an update on the last 2 months....
Oslo: That's right! Mal, Emma, and I decided to take a little adventure to Oslo, Norway! It was our first trip out of the UK and what an adventure it was! In a day and a half, we saw 8 museums, a ski jump, some cool sculpture park, rode every possible means of transportation, and had a great time! We stayed in a hostel with 3 other Australian guys...who decided it would be fun to wake us up at 2am, 3am, and then again at 5am on Friday night. By 5am, I just started laughing after the dancing/singing/half naked Aussie boys left. Yea, thats what you get when you play 20 bucks a night...a crappy bunk bed and real loud roomies. Oh well, it adds to the fun, right? We left Norway with smiles, we loved that place. I'd love to go back in the summer and see the beautiful country side.
Paris: 3 FULL DAYS IN PARIS! Jackie + Paris = LOVE. no ladies and gentlemen, I did not meet a young, dashing prince in Paree and fall in love....but, I did fall in love with the city. I loved every part of it, every pain au chocolat, crepe with nutella, street, museum, cafe, etc. We went to the Louvre, Museum D'Orsay (my favorite), Eiffel Tour, Sacre Coeur, Montmatre, shopped along the Champs Elysesse (sp?), Arc D'Triomphe, Notre Dame, walked around town and did more was amazing! I cannot wait to go back one day...
London: one word: WICKED!!!! For those of you who do not know what Wicked is...well I shall enlighten you. It's the best musical of all time that is the story of the witches from the Wizard of Oz while they were in college. It might sound a little silly, but honestly, it is amazing and you all must see it! Being the cool kids that we are, we hung out by the stage door after the show and got IDINA MENZEL's autograph! and for those of you who don't know who she is...well she won a Tony for her role in Wicked in 2004, she was also in Rent and Aida, and lots of other stuff. It was so cool, she was really nice and I actually had her sign 3 different things..hehe... Along with Wicked, we saw Big Ben and Parliament, the Eye, Tower of London, of course Buckingham Palace! and did some shopping. London was real relaxed and we stayed with one of my family members who took great care of us! We had a home cooked meal for the first time since leaving the States...AND...she made french toast! I tell ya, we are easy to please!
Now I have 12 days until I home and I have 1500 more words to write aka one more paper. By the time I leave, I'll have written over 6,750 words! thats a lot of words for a Sports Management major :) haha... ok, I need to get back to this paper...
I can't wait to be back. I'm ready for my own bed, my friends, and my family... I've had an AMAZING time here! but, it will be good to go home. See you guys soon!
much love,


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