Adventures on a small island across a big pond

Friday, September 29, 2006


On Wednesday, we took a trip to Liverpool! The international office schedule a tour of the town for us. We hopped on the train from Ormskirk and we were off on our way! We arrived in Liverpool at central station (it's only a 25 minute ride) to be greeted by Bri (our tour guide who is an American that studied at Edge Hill and now lives in Liverpool). We went all around town and she showed us everything. The real trick will be to see if I can remember everything she said. We by the art museum, library, and Liverpool museum. They were all beautiful buildings that were probably built a long time ago. We down Matthew Street!! Home of the Beatles! We went into The Cavern which is the pub that they always played at. It was so cool to walk down in the Cavern and see it. It kind of looks like a dungeon and filled with history. They had Beatles music playing and memorabilia all over the place. There's a band that dresses up like the Beatles and gives a concert just like they would back in the day. So I think a group of us are going to go back for that one night. We walked along the pier where the Titanic sailed from! Haha...It was sweet. I wanted to do some cheesy Titanic picture but I decided not to act like a complete American and attempt to blend in. We went by the Beatles Museum. We saw a beautiful church that was bombed during the war and the inside of it no longer remains but they did take the outer walls because it's so amazing. We went by Concert Square where all the pubs are and a big college hang out. Our tour ended and 4 of us girls stayed for dinner and watched the Liverpool football match! We went to a local pub and watched with the locals. So much fun! They get so into it, I love it!! The best part was the bathroom because they had a tv in there so you didn't miss any of the game! Needless to say, it was a wonderful day. I'm sure we will be going back to Liverpool many times.

Tomorrow, we are going to Wales to see the Conwy Castle! I can't wait! I will tell you all about it. I've also put up pictures of Liverpool on my webshots. I hope everyone is wonderful! I miss you all!

Much love,



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