Adventures on a small island across a big pond

Monday, September 25, 2006

Life in Ormskirk!

I have to be honest and say that I just wrote an amazing, eloquent, beautiful was deleted!!! booooo ...... so here's my 2nd attempt at updating you on my life. warning: it might not be as good as the first but you will never know ...haha... here goes!

Life in Ormskirk is grand! Most of the day is spent in orientation, going into town, and hanging out. The British freshman "freshers" came yesterday. I'm surrounded by all boys: Kenny, Colin, and Tom. Colin and Tom are real nice however they have crazy thick accents. I feel like I'm saying 'what' every other sentence when I'm talking to them. You forget it's English. It's going to be interesting once I start classes because I'm going to have to pay close attention in class. There will be no room for daydreaming or I will have no idea what the prof (or should I say tutor) is talking about. Today I encountered my first spider! But, I stayed cool, calm, and didn't scream!! Are you proud mom? I asked Colin if they are common here and he said no. What a relief! I pray he's telling the truth! However, I did ask him to kill for had incredibly long legs! scary English spider... I wonder if it has an accent too...haha...jk.. :)
Today I "registered" for classes which really means I got my class schedule that only had one of the classes I signed up for and I have class on Mon, Weds, Thurs, and Fri. Not acceptable. I need a three day weekend! The British tutor who is the liaison for the US students gave us the Head of the Department we need to contact and that was called "registration". It's so laid back and unorganized here. For example, I can't get on the internet and check what classes are available and when because they don't update it and they cancel classes out of the blue. By the end of the week, hopefully I'll know what I'm taking. BUT! I am taking Intro to Tourism and Leisure management! YES!! I hope we travel :) :) :)
Today Emma and I went into town and we had SUBWAY!!! (Don't worry Uncle Keith and Aunt Terri I'm saving my McDonalds trip for when I'm really homesick.) It was great! Nothing like a good ol' turkey and cheese. funny story... I asked the guy for white American and he looked at me like I was crazy. I asked him what they call it and he said cheese. haha...So no white or yellow American cheese in England. FYI for all of you thinking of coming over here one day. I think that story is a great example of the differences in England. For the most part, everything is the same except for some small white American cheese!
We are planning to travel to Wales at the end of the week or maybe the weekend!! We are going to see the Conwy Castle! It's awesome that we can take a day trip to's like going to Chicago but much cooler!

Well I hope the second post was ok, and you are all doing grrrrrrrrrrrreat! I miss you and love you!


ps. keep praying for me :)


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