Adventures on a small island across a big pond

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Southport and Wales :)

On Friday, Mal, Emma, and I went on our first real adventure. We went to the movies. I know you may be thinking that's not an adventure at all! Well my dear friends, in England...everything is an adventure!! Southport is about a 30 minute bus ride away. But first we had to find the right bus. After looking at many signs and asking some friendly English folk, we found ourselves on our way. We looked up the movies times and decided to see Click. It's weird over here their movies are really old and they play movies that came our months ago in the US. However, the new Bond movie comes out the same time as the US...we are excited about that. Anyways our bus finally arrives in Southport. Of course when we arrived we had no idea where the theater or should I say cinema was. But, we used our smarts and followed some kids who we over a conversation and they were also going to see a movie. The walk to the cinema was about 15 minutes. The town was cute and we'll have to go back during the day so we can fully appreciate it. We got to cinema with minutes to spare and sat down the enjoy the show. The movie was ok..better than I thought it would be. It was funny because there were some jokes that only the 3 of us laughed at while everyone else in the theater didn't get it. The movie ended and we found our way back to the bus stop. While we were waiting, we saw someone get arrested! Southport is a little shady... Then we went got on the bus there were like ten 14 year old smoking pot. Oh the joys of public transportation on a Friday night when all the teenagers are out and about. Needless to say, we made it back to Ormskirk in one piece and had a lovely evening.

And now...

We started the day by getting on the train from Ormskirk to Liverpool, bought our train tickets from Liverpool to Wales and we were off! The train ride was total of about 2 1/2 hours but it was completely worth it! We went from Liverpool to Chester to Llandudno where the castle was. The train from Chester to Llandudno was really nice. We saw a castles on the way to Wales! It was built in the side of a mountain (more like a big hill) and it looked like no one has been in it. Hmm...maybe our next adventure! Anyways, we arrived in Llandudno, Wales and we had to walk about a mile and a half to the Conwy Castle. We had to cross a bridge and about halfway arcoss we could see it! It's right on the water and so amazing. We bought our tickets and started exploring! We went through the towers, walked all over the grounds, and even filmed a movie! haha...yea, we're that cool. We did a remake of Rapunzel. We found a sweet spot to have Mal (Rapunzel) let her hair down while Emma (the dashing Prince) came to rescue her. And of course, we had Sarah (the narrator/armed guard) keep watch of the tower and made sure the Prince did not come in. And I was the director/cinematographer. We are going to enter it in the Cannes Film Festival. I'm sure we'll have a winner. After exploring the castle, we walked around Llandudno for a while, ate dinner, and headed home. It was a long, but good day. Wales is beautiful! So green and full of life. We also pasted some cows and farm land on the way felt like home! Well until the next adventure...take care friends!
much love, Jackie


  • At 10:45 AM, Blogger Aaron Zehr said…

    Great to hear you're having such a great time Jackie. I can't wait to hear the stories you'll have to tell when you're back at IWU. Although I'm sure we'll have some for you too I suppose. Enjoy England drink some tea for me!



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