Adventures on a small island across a big pond

Monday, September 18, 2006

I'm leaving on a jet plane...

I'm leaving on a jet plane
don't know when I'll be back again...

Ok, Well that is partly true. I'm leaving soon! Wednesday to be exact!! I can't wait! I'll be flying out of O'hare directly to Manchester, UK which is about 30 minutes away from Ormskirk where I'll be studying at Edge Hill University this semester!! I plan on updating this blog alot while I'm in England. I might not email very much, but this way you guys can randomly check it and keep updated on my "adventures across a big pond on a small island." Some quick facts...I'll be living in a dorm with the other American students going abroad with (that's the program I'm going with). I'll have a single room...I'm excited about that :) There's about 50 - 60 US students going over together. I'll be taking Sports Management and Business Administration classes, but I won't know exactly what I'm taking until I get there. Another fun fact, here's my address:

Jackie Magnuson
Edge Hill University
St. Helens Road
Ormskirk, Lancashire L39 4QP
United Kingdom

So...that's pretty much it! The next time I update this I'll be in ENGLAND!!! Keep me in your prayers! I will miss you all so much!!




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