Adventures on a small island across a big pond

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Beatles, Manchester, Lake Windermere, and CU Weekend Away

Magical Mystery Tour!!

Last Saturday, Hannah, Craig, Simon, Sarah, Emma, Mal, and I all set out for Liverpool to go on the Magical Mystery Bus Tour!! We arrived in the Liverpool a little early and wondered around the town for a bit. I seriously think I can get around Liverpool with no trouble. It's not too hard. After we killed some time, we got on the bus and we were off! The tour guide was great. His knowledge of the Beatles was quite vast, and he was really entertaining. He's actually met Paul. They are practically BFF's (ok, maybe not...that’s just my sarcasm..) Anyways, we went by all of their houses when they were growing up. We got out at George and Paul's, but we didn't go in. We drove down Penny Lane! So cool!! We saw all the places they sing about in the song. I could just picture Paul and John walking down the road. It was cool. We went to Strawberry Fields and took a picture. We went by the church they went to and where Eleanor Rigby is buried. We ended the tour at the Cavern which they always played. I think the guy said that in a span of 2 or 3 years they played over 200 shows at the Cavern...crazy!! All in all it was a wonderful afternoon Liverpool.

Manchester / Lake Windermere

On Sunday, Simon, Craig, and Hannah took us on the mini bus to Manchester and Lake Windermere. First, we drove by Old Trafford Stadium where Manchester United play! That day they were playing Liverpool which is a huge rivalry over here. So there were lots of people out and about getting ready for the game. They don't tailgate over here. It rains too much. After we passed the stadium, we went to the Old Trafford Centre which is an amazing mall! It's huge! My sister could spend a week there! It's really new and beautiful. They had a "French Quarter" which resembled New Orleans. It looked really cool and there was an American flag! So being the cool Americans we are, we sang the national anthem....not very loud, but we sang nonetheless. haha. The food court was built like a deck from a cruise ship. It felt like we were on the Titanic! We shopped for a bit and then set off for the Lake District. When we arrived at Lake Windermere, we walked around the lake for a bit and took pictures. We're good at taking pictures. Honestly, where ever we go, we look for pictures opportunities. The lake was beautiful and driving through the British country side was also gorgeous. It's so lush and green. It was cool to see the leaves changing color. It reminded me of West Virginia in the fall. At the lake, there were these HUGE swans!! We kept quoting Billy Madison...Stop looking at me swan! was fun. We drove a total of 300 miles! It was a long but good day.

CU Weekend Away

This weekend we went on a retreat with CU to the Wirral which is across the Mersey River on the other side of Liverpool. There were 18 CU members that went. We got there on Friday night and had some worship. Saturday, we played some football!! It was so much fun! I haven't played since indoor last March. I scored a lot of goals...hehe...I was excited. I think I showed those British boys that American girls came play football too. It's interesting because girls don't play sports over here and if they do, it's really rare. So while most of the British girls went on a walk, Mal, Emma, Sarah, and I played with Craig, Simon, Dan, and Hannah. It was good to kick the football around. Saturday, we also had some worship and Simon talked. That night we played sardines on the complex. It was a little freaky because we saw lots of 8 legged I didn't enjoy that too much. But, I sucked it up and had fun hiding in the woods. Sarah and I found an awesome hiding spot and no one could find us. So we ended having a really good talk about the Lord and why he placed us in England. It was really refreshing to talk to her and share what’s going on in our lives. That night we also had a talent show. So being the cool Americans we are, we decide to perform a dance to none other than Spice Girls Wannabe! haha...We figured we're in England so Spice Girls was quite appropriate. It was us, four Americans, and Kirsty. It was awesome...we even had matching outfits! We won the talent show too...ahah...good times. On Sunday, we had a time to share what God's doing in our lives. I shared my testimony with the group and I already had a girl come up to me who's gone through similar experiences where I could see God using my story to talk with her. It was a good time to open with one another. But something I've noticed about the British is how reserved they are. They don't really open up and say how they are doing. It's interesting... It was a good weekend but now I'm really tired.

In other news, we bought tickets to Norway! haha, yep, it's official. Mal, Emma, and I are going to Oslo, Norway from Nov. 10th -12th. You might be asking yourself...Why in the world are they going to Norway? Well, we say..why not! haha..the tickets were cheap, Emma has a friend there, and we thought it would be a fun adventure!

I miss you guys! Much love,



  • At 5:32 PM, Blogger Aaron Zehr said…

    Hello Batman!! This is Megan. : ) I just wanted you to know that I miss you like crazy! Just this weekend I said aloud, "I really just want to be with Jackie Magnuson." It's true, I really said that. : ) Anyway, hope life is treating you kind. You are very missed around here. It truly isn't the same.

  • At 5:34 PM, Blogger Aaron Zehr said…

    Hello Batman!! This is Megan. : ) I just wanted you to know that I miss you like crazy! Just this weekend I said aloud, "I really just want to be with Jackie Magnuson." It's true, I really said that. : ) Anyway, hope life is treating you kind. You are very missed around here. It truly isn't the same.


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