Adventures on a small island across a big pond

Saturday, September 23, 2006


Well considering most you who are going to read this have already received my email...hmm I'll try not to be too repetitive. But, yep I'm here. Safe and sound. I feel as if where do I start... So much to say!

We arrived around 7 am British time on Thursday and we were really busy that day. We ended up being on the go all day which really helped to adjust to jet lag. Not gonna lie, I was real tired on Thursday and could have fallen asleep standing up but they gave us tours of the town and school and went through a lot of orientation stuff. That night we hung out the Venue. It's the restaurant/bar on campus. It was really fun. We met some British guys who have amazing accents! OK, they all have amazing accents. It's wonderful. It's interesting because you can tell they are from different parts of England by the way they talk just like the US. It's really weird to see them driving on the left side of the road! When ever we cross the road, we always look a few times and then a couple more just in case. We've been in town (Ormskirk) the last couple of days to shop and have dinner. Today I went to my first pub :) We watched Liverpool vs. Totteham. It was great. Since Ormskirk is only 30 mins from Liverpool, everyone cheers for them. So today at the pub, a couple of Brits were cheering for 'Tot' and you could tell the locals didn't like it. They got a lot of weird looks. We cheered for Liverpool and fit right in. School doesn't start for another week. The British freshman or 'freshers' come tomorrow. On my floor, we have 3 Americans and 4 British students coming. I'm surrounded by guys....oh feels so far away. Nothing is the same. So far apart and I'm not just talking about the distance...

On that note, I'm heading out. I know this was short and vague but I'm real tired. It's time for a nap. I hope all of you are doing grrrrrrrrrrrrreat! I miss you all!

Much love,



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